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MyoPocket (Rule20)
Eye Exercise with 20 20 20 Rule
MyoPocket (Rule20)

Tech Stack

  • language: Swift
  • Framework: SwiftUI
  • Adds-on: Dynamic Island, Swiftlint, MusicKit


This is one of my team projects in Apple Developer Academy. We make this project to help people to do eye exercise with 20 20 20 rule. To make user aware the eye exercise, we will remind user to do the exercise every 20 minutes. The exercise is simple, just look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Our app will remind the user with dynamic island in background.

intresting notes: because we don't use server to send dynamic island events , we use music background to make the app doing task in background. we use this 'hacks' because of iOS limitation can't run background task in Exactly 20 minutes and due to server pricing. running empty music in loop will make the app running in background. But unfortunately, this app have weird bugs when we don't use Xcode to run the app, it will 100% fail to run the task in background. even though we already tested it in real device with xcode not just simulator

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